Commit 456a3642 by 李嘉林


parent 5ed31fd2
......@@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ module.exports = merge(baseWebpackConfig, {
// inject: true
// }),
new FriendlyErrorsPlugin(),
new UglifyJsPlugin({ sourceMap: true })
// new UglifyJsPlugin({ sourceMap: true })
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
"projectname": "mayi-mp-shop",
"simulatorType": "wechat",
"simulatorPluginLibVersion": {},
"libVersion": "2.14.3",
"condition": {
"search": {
"current": -1,
"usingComponents": {
"banner": "../../../static/nativeComponents/Banner/index",
"waterfall-flow": "../../../static/nativeComponents/module/WaterfallFlow/index",
"banner": "/static/nativeComponents/Banner/index",
"goods-list": "/static/nativeComponents/GoodsList/index",
"waterfall-flow": "/static/nativeComponents/module/WaterfallFlow/index",
"van-button": "/static/vant/button/index"
\ No newline at end of file
.text-overflow {
overflow: hidden;
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text-overflow: ellipsis;
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overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
.flex {
display: flex;
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
display: flex;
@mixin btn {
width: 148px;
const componentOptions = {
// 组件选项
options: {
multipleSlots: true
behaviors: [],
properties: {
datas: {
type: Object
items: {
type: Object
indexs: {
type: Number
// 组件数据
data: {
isPageHidden: false // 页面是否处于隐藏状态
// 数据监听器
observers: {},
// 组件方法
methods: {
init() {},
getSaleTime(val) {
return new Date(val.replace(/-/g, "/")).getTime() - new Date().getTime();
showVipPrice(index) {
// 索引 0 显示价格 1显示名称
let showFlag = false;
let vipPrice = this.items["minPriceAfterRecommendedCardPriceTable"];
if (vipPrice && Number(vipPrice) < Number(this.items["minPrice"])) {
showFlag = true;
console.log(showFlag, "------------760");
return showFlag;
showVipTag(index) {
// 索引 0 显示价格 1显示名称
let showFlag = false;
let vipPrice = this.items["minPriceAfterRecommendedCardPriceTable"];
let showTag = this.items["recommendedCardMinPricePriceTableName"];
if (
vipPrice &&
showTag &&
Number(vipPrice) <= Number(this.items["minPrice"])
) {
showFlag = true;
return showFlag;
// 组件生命周期
lifetimes: {
created() {},
attached() {
ready() {},
moved() {},
detached() {}
definitionFilter() {},
// 页面生命周期
pageLifetimes: {
// 页面被展示
show() {
const { isPageHidden } =;
// show事件发生前,页面不是处于隐藏状态时
if (!isPageHidden) {
// 重新执行定时器等操作
// 页面被隐藏
hide() {
isPageHidden: true
// 清除定时器等操作
// 页面尺寸变化时
resize() {}
"component": true,
"usingComponents": {}
<!-- 商品列表item -->
<view class="goodsItem">
<!-- 商户入口-顶部 -->
<view class="merchantsEntrance flex" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['merchantsEntrance'] && datas.componentData['merchantsEntranceType'] == 0}}">
<view class="left flex" wx:if="{{items != null}}">
<view class="logo">
<image mode='widthFix' src=",limit_1,w_150,h_150" />
<view class="name">{{items.orgName}}</view>
<!-- 商品图片 -->
<view class="imgBox slidebox1">
<view class="goodsPicture" wx:if="{{items!=null}}">
<!-- 开启售卖 -->
<view class="saleWay" wx:if="{{items.saleWay==2 &&getSaleTime(items.saleTime)>0}}">
<view class="saleWayBg"></view>
<!-- 商品角标 -->
wx:if="{{datas.componentData['angleSign'] && datas.componentData['angleSignImg']}}"
<image mode="widthFix" src=",limit_1,w_150,h_150" />
<!-- 商品主图 -->
<image mode="widthFix" src=",limit_1,w_700" />
<!-- 售罄遮罩 -->
<view class="whiteBg" wx:if="{{items&&items.oversoldFlag==0&&items.totalQty-0<=0}}">
<view class="cover">
<image mode="widthFix" src="" />
<!-- 商品详情 -->
<view class="info" style="text-align:{{datas.componentData['initcharAlign']}};">
<view class="info-top">
<text class="name" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['nameShow']}}">
<view class="follower-wrap" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['followerShow']}}">
<view class="follower-num">
{{items!=null?Number(items['totalCollectionCount']) ? Number(items['totalCollectionCount']) : 0:0}}
<text class="follower-text">关注人数</text>
<!-- 已售 -->
<text wx:if="{{datas.componentData['alSaleShow']}}">已售{{items!=null? items['totalSalesCount'] :0}}件</text>
<text wx:if="{{datas.componentData['alSaleShow'] && datas.componentData['collectShow']}}">/</text>
<text wx:if="{{datas.componentData['collectShow']}}">剩余{{items!=null && items['qty']!=undefined ? (Number(items['qty']) > 0 ? Number(items['qty'] ): items.oversoldFlag==1?'数量充足':'数量不足') : ''}}</text>
<text wx:if="{{items!=null && (Number(items['qty']) ? Number(items['qty']) >= 0 : Number(items['saleQty']) >= 0)}}">件</text>
<!-- 标签 -->
<view class="marketing flex" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['marketingTag']&&datas.componentData['marketingStyle']==0&&items.marketingTag}}">
<!-- 底部 -->
<view class="bottom" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['goodsType'] ==1}}">
<!-- 价格 -->
<view class="priceItem flex">
<text class="price" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['priceShow']}}">¥{{items!=null?Number(items['minPrice']).toFixed(2):0}}</text>
<view class="vipPrice2 flex">
<view class="left" wx:if="{{showVipPrice(index)==true}}">
<view class="vipIcon line-clamp1" wx:if="{{showVipTag(index)==true}}">
<!-- 收益样式一 -->
<block class="" wx:if="{{items!=null&&items['minProductGoodsCommission']&&items['minProductGoodsCommission']-0>0.01}}">
<view class="showCommission" wx:if="{{datas.componentData.commissionStyle==0}}">
<view class="commission-box">
<!-- 立即购买按钮 -->
<view class="buy-now" wx:if="{{items&&items.oversoldFlag==0&&items.totalQty-0<=0 && datas.componentData['paynow']}}">
<view wx:if="{{(items&&items.totalQty-0>0||items&&items.oversoldFlag==1)&& datas.componentData['paynow']}}">
<text class="buy-now-icon iconfont-common {{datas.componentData.btnIcon}}"></text>
<view wx:else class="buy-now">
<!-- 底部展示标签列表 -->
<block wx:if="{{items!=null}}">
<view class="marketing flex" wx:if="{{datas.componentData.marketingTag&&datas.componentData.marketingStyle==1&&items.marketingTag}}">
<!-- 收益样式二 -->
<block wx:if="{{items!=null&&items['minProductGoodsCommission']&&items['minProductGoodsCommission']-0>0.01}}">
<view class="showCommissionTwo flex" wx:if="{{datas.componentData.commissionStyle==1}}">
<view class="commission-box">
<text class="iconfont-common common-iconfenxiang">
<text style="font-size:32rpx;">
<!-- 商户入口二 -->
<view class="merchantsEntrance flex" wx:if="{{datas.componentData.merchantsEntrance&&datas.componentData.merchantsEntranceType==1}}">
<view class="left flex" wx:if="{{items!=null}}">
<view class="logo">
<image mode='widthFix' src=",limit_1,w_150,h_150" />
<view class="name">{{items.orgName}}</view>
display: flex;
width: 100%;
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position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
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margin: 0 auto 20rpx;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
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width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
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opacity: 0.5;
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position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
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top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: rgba(#fff, 0.7);
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text-overflow: ellipsis;
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line-height: 1.4em;
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text-align: center;
height: 70rpx;
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text-align: center;
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height: 28rpx;
background: #333;
font-size: 20rpx;
line-height: 28rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #d7c7a1;
border-top-left-radius: 4rpx;
border-bottom-left-radius: 12rpx;
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height: 28rpx;
color: #333;
font-weight: bold;
background: linear-gradient( 227deg, rgba(212, 195, 142, 1), rgba(252, 232, 162, 1) );
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-o-border-radius: 0rpx 12rpx 12rpx 0rpx;
.priceItem {
align-items: flex-end;
align-items: flex-end;
margin-top: 12rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
.vipPrice2 .left{
color: #333;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 8rpx;
.vipPrice2 .vipIcon{
margin-left: 8rpx;
min-width: 64rpx;
padding: 2rpx 8rpx;
height: 28rpx;
background: #333;
font-size: 20rpx;
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align-items: center;
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margin-top: 8rpx;
margin-right: 8rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
padding: 0 12rpx;
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color: #ff5500;
border-radius: 40rpx;
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-ms-border-radius: 40rpx;
-o-border-radius: 40rpx;
.bottom {
position: relative;
.price {
font-weight: 600;
margin-top: 12rpx;
\ No newline at end of file
const app = getApp();
const componentOptions = {
// 组件选项
options: {
multipleSlots: true
behaviors: [],
properties: {},
// 组件数据
data: {
isPageHidden: false, // 页面是否处于隐藏状态
datas: {
id: 7,
componentName: "商品列表",
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componentType: 1,
queueNumber: 0,
componentInfo: {
visible: 1,
condition: "",
drawable: 0
componentData: {
goodsList: [
brandName: "",
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saleTime: null,
saleWay: "1",
shopName: "Air Jordan",
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tagNames: "",
terminalProductId: "18785",
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usedRecommendedCardFlag: "false",
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key: "freeShipping",
label: "免邮"
brandName: "",
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orgName: "Air Jordan",
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oversoldFlag: "0",
productGoodsMixId: "",
productId: "21904",
productName: "测试刘==专用商品。。",
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qty: "400",
recommendedCardMinPricePriceTableName: "",
saleTime: null,
saleWay: "1",
shopName: "Air Jordan",
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tagNames: "",
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brandName: "三只松鼠",
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shopName: "Air Jordan",
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minPrice: "10.00",
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productId: "21509",
productName: "前端测试留言商品单规格",
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saleTime: null,
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shopName: "Air Jordan",
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tagNames: "",
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totalSalesCount: "0",
usedRecommendedCardFlag: "false",
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key: "freeShipping",
label: "免邮"
brandName: "",
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minPrice: "0.00",
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orgId: "1452",
orgName: "Air Jordan",
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productName: "组合333",
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productSecondName: "",
qty: "0",
recommendedCardMinPricePriceTableName: "",
saleTime: null,
saleWay: "1",
shopName: "Air Jordan",
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tagNames: "",
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usedRecommendedCardFlag: "false"
categoryId: "",
categoryName: "",
initProductArr: [],
titles: "这是标题",
"这里是内容 可以编写需要的内容 测试测试测试测试测试测试测试测试测试",
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followerShow: true,
followerColor: "",
alSaleShow: true,
followerFontSize: 0.6,
paynow: false,
priceMarking: true,
goodsSort: 0,
whetherFindDistributionCommission: true,
commissionColor: "",
commissionBgColor: "",
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angleSign: true,
angleSignType: 0,
angleSignSize: 25,
marketingTag: true,
vipPrice: false,
marketingStyle: 0,
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key: "recommend",
label: "推荐"
key: "special",
label: "特价"
key: "freeShipping",
label: "免邮"
key: "newGoods",
label: "新品"
btnIcon: "",
btnType: 6,
btnColor: "",
btnTest: "立即购买",
titleIcon: "/product/ppefWK8BS6.png",
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name: "下",
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// 数据监听器
observers: {},
// 组件方法
methods: {
init() {},
// 组件生命周期
lifetimes: {
created() {},
attached() {
ready() {},
moved() {},
detached() {}
definitionFilter() {},
// 页面生命周期
pageLifetimes: {
// 页面被展示
show() {
const { isPageHidden } =;
// show事件发生前,页面不是处于隐藏状态时
if (!isPageHidden) {
// 重新执行定时器等操作
// 页面被隐藏
hide() {
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// 清除定时器等操作
// 页面尺寸变化时
resize() {}
"component": true,
"usingComponents": {
<!-- 商品列表组件 -->
<view class="goodsList">
<!-- 头部 -->
<view class="tops flex">
<view class="left flex">
<view class="img" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['titleIcon']}}">
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<view class="title">{{datas.componentData['titles']}}</view>
<view class="moreTop" wx:if="{{datas.componentData['moreShow'] && datas.componentData.moreButtonSite=='top' && datas.componentData['goodsSource']!='assign'}}">
<text class="jt"></text>
<!-- 网格布局 -->
class="goodsItem-list flex"
display: flex;
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.tops .left{
align-items: center;
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font-size: 36rpx;
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font-size: 13px;
color: #6b6b6b;
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height: 10px;
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transform: rotate(405deg);
margin-left: 0px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.goodsItem-list .item{
box-sizing: border-box;
\ No newline at end of file
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