Commit 9af24415 by 程默

fix footer

parent 99d18b73
......@@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ import classificationApi from "./api/classification";
import spokesmanApi from './api/spokesman'
import { DFSImg, concatUrl } from "@/utils/index";
import fenxiaoModel from "@/utils/fenxiaoModel";
import {
} from "@/utils/mayi";
import { themeToLinkInit } from "@/utils/themeModule";
// import {
// $themeAddToCard,
// $themeArticleLike,
// getCoupon,
// themeMemberCardClick
// } from "@/utils/mayi";
import { $themeToLink, $themeAddToCard, $themeArticleLike } from "@/utils/mayi";
// import { themeToLinkInit } from "@/utils/themeModule";
import shop from "./api/shop";
import spokesman from "@/api/spokesman";
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ Vue.prototype.$mpAnalytics = mpAnalytics;
const app = new Vue(App)
// 初始化
themeToLinkInit({ homeNative: 2, getCoupon, themeMemberCardClick });
// themeToLinkInit({ homeNative: 2, getCoupon, themeMemberCardClick });
// glob挂载到
let mpApp = getApp();
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ mpApp.indexBgCallBack = function(){ }
// 全局数据
mpApp.processEnv = process.env;
// 全局跳转 data为link对象
mpApp.$themeToLink = $themeToLink
console.log('3555555', wx)
// 全局加入购物车
mpApp.$themeAddToCard = $themeAddToCard
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<!-- 名称 -->
<view class="text" style="color: {{selected === index ? componentData.selectTextColor : componentData.defaultTextColor}};font-size:{{selected === index ? componentData.selectionTextNum*2 : componentData.defaultTextNum*2}}rpx">
<view class="text" style="color: {{selected === index ? componentData.selectTextColor : componentData.defaultTextColor}};font-size:{{selected === index ? (componentData.selectText==1?10:componentData.selectionTextNum)*2 : (componentData.defaultText==1?10:componentData.defaultTextNum)*2}}rpx">
<!-- 购物车商品数量 -->
<view class="isCart" wx:if="{{'/shopCart/shoppingCart'&&cartNum>0}}">
......@@ -1237,10 +1237,9 @@
/* font-size: 10px; */
/* .img-view{
display: flex;
align-items: center;
} */
.img-view image{
/* object-fit: contain; */
width: 100%;
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