Commit b8f64675 by 李嘉林


parent cc1c2421
...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {//zjgyl ...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {//zjgyl
// BASE_URL:"''", // BASE_URL:"''",
// BASE_URL:"''", // BASE_URL:"''",
// BASE_URL:"''", // BASE_URL:"''",
BASE_URL:"''", BASE_URL:"''",
// BASE_URL:"''", // BASE_URL:"''",
...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ export default {
console.log(extConfig, "-----------extConfig"); console.log(extConfig, "-----------extConfig");
if (JSON.stringify(extConfig) == "{}") { if (JSON.stringify(extConfig) == "{}") {
let shopItem = { let shopItem = {
// development: { mixid: "ssa", "shopid": 2342}, //五粮液uat development: { mixid: "ssa", "shopid": 2342}, //五粮液uat
development: { mixid: "antgood", "shopid": 67}, // development: { mixid: "antgood", "shopid": 67},
// production: { "mixid":"qiyeCT", "shopid": 1045 }, // 道可 // production: { "mixid":"qiyeCT", "shopid": 1045 }, // 道可
// production: { "mixid":"metasense_doctors", "shopid": 1238 }, // 册为医护端 // production: { "mixid":"metasense_doctors", "shopid": 1238 }, // 册为医护端
production: { "mixid":"3QqsFT", "shopid": 1337 }, production: { "mixid":"3QqsFT", "shopid": 1337 },
...@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ export default { ...@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ export default {
}, },
orderSn() { orderSn() {
return this.render?this.routeQuery.orderSn:'----------' return this.render?this.routeQuery.orderSn:'----------'
orderSns() {
return this.render?this.routeQuery.orderSns:'----------'
} }
}, },
onLoad() { onLoad() {
...@@ -217,7 +220,8 @@ export default { ...@@ -217,7 +220,8 @@ export default {
toOrderDetail() { toOrderDetail() {
if (!this.render) return; if (!this.render) return;
console.log("查看详情"); console.log("查看详情");
let url = `/pages/index/main?from=home&backpath=${encodeURIComponent(`/order/orderDetail?orderSn=${this.orderSn}&isReplace=true`)}}` let h5Url = this.routeQuery.multiMerchantsFlag == 1 ? encodeURIComponent(`/order/orderList`) : encodeURIComponent(`/order/orderDetail?orderSn=${this.orderSn}&isReplace=true`);
let url = `/pages/index/main?from=home&backpath=${h5Url}}`
wx.redirectTo({ wx.redirectTo({
url, url,
}); });
...@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ export default { ...@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ export default {
computed: { computed: {
merchantAddress() { merchantAddress() {
const { const {
provinceName, provinceName="",
cityName, cityName="",
areaName, areaName="",
address address=""
} = this.sourceData } = this.sourceData
return provinceName + cityName + areaName + address return provinceName + cityName + areaName + address
} }
...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ export default {
}) })
}, },
orderNow(){ orderNow(){
let url = '' + let url = '' + + `${wx.getStorageSync("sessionid")?`&sessionid=${wx.getStorageSync("sessionid")}`:''}`
console.log(url,"立即预订的接口地址"); console.log(url,"立即预订的接口地址");
let link = "/pages/wxArticle/main?link=" + encodeURIComponent(url); let link = "/pages/wxArticle/main?link=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
app.$themeToLink({ app.$themeToLink({
...@@ -182,7 +182,9 @@ export default { ...@@ -182,7 +182,9 @@ export default {
console.log(options, "--paySuccess-onLoad"); console.log(options, "--paySuccess-onLoad");
this.query.orderSn = options.orderSn; this.query.orderSn = options.orderSn;
this.routeQuery = options; this.routeQuery = options;
this.orderMsg(); if (this.routeQuery.multiMerchantsFlag != 1) {
this.setGiftsKey(); //设置码表 this.setGiftsKey(); //设置码表
this.getIsReceiveGift() this.getIsReceiveGift()
// 获取页面数据 // 获取页面数据
let homeNative = null; //首页环境 1:h5 2:小程序 3:头条 !function i(o,a,l){function r(n,e){if(!a[n]){if(!o[n]){var t="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!e&&t)return t(n,!0);if(s)return s(n,!0);throw(t=new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'")).code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",t}t=a[n]={exports:{}},o[n][0].call(t.exports,function(e){return r(o[n][1][e]||e)},t,t.exports,i,o,a,l)}return a[n].exports}for(var s="function"==typeof require&&require,e=0;e<l.length;e++)r(l[e]);return r}({1:[function(e,n,t){var i,o,n=n.exports={};function a(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")}function l(){throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")}function r(n){if(i===setTimeout)return setTimeout(n,0);if((i===a||!i)&&setTimeout)return i=setTimeout,setTimeout(n,0);try{return i(n,0)}catch(e){try{return,n,0)}catch(e){return,n,0)}}}!function(){try{i="function"==typeof setTimeout?setTimeout:a}catch(e){i=a}try{o="function"==typeof clearTimeout?clearTimeout:l}catch(e){o=l}}();var s,c=[],g=!1,p=-1;function u(){g&&s&&(g=!1,s.length?c=s.concat(c):p=-1,c.length&&d())}function d(){if(!g){var e=r(u);g=!0;for(var n=c.length;n;){for(s=c,c=[];++p<n;)s&&s[p].run();p=-1,n=c.length}s=null,g=!1,function(n){if(o===clearTimeout)return clearTimeout(n);if((o===l||!o)&&clearTimeout)return o=clearTimeout,clearTimeout(n);try{o(n)}catch(e){try{return,n)}catch(e){return,n)}}}(e)}}function h(e,n){,this.array=n}function m(){}n.nextTick=function(e){var n=new Array(arguments.length-1);if(1<arguments.length)for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++)n[t-1]=arguments[t];c.push(new h(e,n)),1!==c.length||g||r(d)},{,this.array)},n.title="browser",n.browser=!0,n.env={},n.argv=[],n.version="",n.versions={},n.on=m,n.addListener=m,n.once=m,,n.removeListener=m,n.removeAllListeners=m,n.emit=m,n.prependListener=m,n.prependOnceListener=m,n.listeners=function(e){return[]},n.binding=function(e){throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")},n.cwd=function(){return"/"},n.chdir=function(e){throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")},n.umask=function(){return 0}},{}],2:[function(e,n,a){!function(o,n){!function(){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(a,"__esModule",{value:!0}),a.hylBannerLink=i,a.hylToLink=c;var r=void 0,h=void 0,m=void 0,f=void 0,k=void 0,s=void 0,v="",t=null;function i(e){var n,t,i,o,a,l,r,s,c,g,p,u,d;v=$nuxt.$store,console.log("hylBannerLink",e),3!=e.type?1.1==e.type&&(1==v.state.miniProgram||2==v.state.miniProgram?-1<"pages/hiberDrawEntity/hiberDrawEntity")?("?"))[1]&&n[1].split("=")[1]&&(r=JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(n[1].split("=")[1])),c=(s=r).id,g=r.type,p=r.isOpenDraw,u=k.formatDate.format(new Date),d=(d=r.validTimeEnd).split(".").join("-"),2==r.validTimeEnd.split(" ").length||(u=u.split(" ")[0]),u=(u=new Date(d.replace(/-/g,"/")).getTime()-new Date(u.replace(/-/g,"/")).getTime())/1e3,2==p?0<=u?(1==g&&$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?id="+c}),2==g&&$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?id="+c}),3==g&&$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/turntable/turntable?id="+c})):2==g&&null!=s.drawRecordEntity?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?perdraw=33&id="+c}):2==g&&null==s.drawRecordEntity?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?id="+c}):h.alert({title:"标题",message:"抽奖已结束"}).then(function(){}):1==g?null==s.drawRecordEntity?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?id="+c}):$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/openDraw/openDraw?id="+c}):2==g?null!=s.drawRecordEntity?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/openDraw/openDraw?id="+c}):$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/drawDetails/drawDetails?id="+c}):null==s.drawRecordEntity?h.alert({title:"标题",message:"抽奖已结束"}).then(function(){}):$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/draw/openDraw/openDraw?id="+c})):-1<"type")?("?"),"[object Array]"[1].split("&"),t={},l.forEach(function(e){e.split("="),t[e.split("=")[0]]=e.split("=")[1]}),console.log(t),,o=t.jumpScore,a=t.type,v.state.sessionId?f.getConsumerScoreFlag({outId:v.state.userInfo.mixId,advertisementId:i}).then(function(e){0==e.code&&(1==e.object?(o&&0<o&&f.changeScore({outId:v.state.userInfo.mixId,advertisementId:i}).then(function(e){e.object&&$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/advertisement/advertisement?type="+a+"&id="+i})}),o&&o<0&&C.showModal({title:"提示",content:"跳转扣除"+Math.abs(o)+"积分",success:function(e){e.confirm?f.changeScore({outId:v.state.userInfo.mixId,advertisementId:i}).then(function(e){e.object&&$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/advertisement/advertisement?type="+a+"&id="+i})}):e.cancel&&console.log("用户点击取消")}}),o||$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/advertisement/advertisement?type="+a+"&id="+i})):$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/advertisement/advertisement?type="+a+"&id="+i}))}):$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/login/login"}))):(("pages/draw/draw/draw")||"pages/question/question")||"pages/live/live"))&&(l=y($nuxt.$route.query.mixid+"_location")&&JSON.parse(y($nuxt.$route.query.mixid+"_location")).outId,console.log(l,"跳转id"),l&&("?")?"&addressId=""?addressId="+l)),$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({})):m("暂不支持")):1==v.state.miniProgram||2==v.state.miniProgram?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/toMini/toMini?weappPage="+encodeURIComponent("&weappAppId="}):m("暂不支持")}function c(e){if(,console.log("----工具中hyl"),t=e.type,(v=$nuxt.$store).getters["sceneModule/flushbonadingVisible"])if(null!=t&&"undefined"!=t){if(0!=t)if(1==t)"/",1)?$nuxt.$router.push(!"http")&&!"https")||1!=v.state.miniProgram&&2!=v.state.miniProgram?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/wxArticle/main?link="+encodeURIComponent(});else if(2==t){var n=e.feature.type;"themeCouponClick"==n||0==n?this.$themeCouponClick(e.feature.value.couponCode,e.feature.value):1==n?(console.log("是分享了。。。。"),2==e.type&&1==e.feature.type&&$nuxt.$SHARE({itemList:e.feature.value})):"themeMemberCardClick"!=n&&2!=n||this.$themeMemberCardClick(e.feature.value)}else if(1.1==t||3==t)i(e);else if(1.2==t){if("outerChain:businessCenter" console.log(s.GUIDE_URL,"-----shopConfig.GUIDE_URL"),n=s.GUIDE_URL+"/login?mixid="+$nuxt.$route.query.mixid+"&back="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href),void(window.location.href=n);"/",1)?$nuxt.$router.push(||2==v.state.miniProgram?$mp.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:"/pages/wxArticle/main?link="+encodeURIComponent(})}else 0<e.length&&$nuxt.$router.push(}else 0<e.length&&$nuxt.$router.push(e)}function y(e){if(o.browser&&"undefined"!=typeof document)for(var n=document.cookie.split(";"),t=0;t<n.length;t++){var i=n[t].split("=");if(i[0].trim()==e)return decodeURIComponent(i[1])}}Object.defineProperty(a,"__esModule",{value:!0}),a.themeToLinkInit=e,a.$themeToLink=M;var g=null,p=null,u=null,r=void 0,d=void 0,s=void 0,m=void 0,c=void 0,w=void 0,C=void 0,P=void 0,T=999999;function I(e,n){n=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==n?n:"";return"../index/main?from=themeLink&backpath="+encodeURIComponent(e)+"&params="+encodeURIComponent(n)}function b(){return 1==g?this.$store&&this.$store.state.sessionId&&this.$store.state.sessionId:2==g?C&&C.getStorageSync("sessionid"):void 0}function $(){return 1==g&&this.$store&&this.$store.state.miniProgram}function x(){return 1==g?s.GUIDE_URL:2==g?config.GUIDE_URL:void 0}function D(e){return"?")[0]:""}function L(e){var"?"),t=[];return e.forEach(function(e,n){1<=n&&t.push(e)}),t.join("?")||""}function U(n){var e=getApp();return e.globalData.footerVal?e.globalData.footerVal.componentData.list.findIndex(function(e){return D("?")[0]}):-1}var R=["index","media-video","goods-goodsInfo","goods-commodityMenu","goodsSearch-goodsSearch","contentSearch-contentSearch","chooseStores","activty-receivingGift","activty","login-register","login-phoneLogin","login-authInformation","login-forgetPassWord","login-accountLogin","login-wxRegister","pay-payList","comment-evaluateList","goods-commonProblemList","article-articlePage","article-articleList","goods-posters","liveBroadcast","liveBroadcast-list","personalCenter-coupon-getCoupon","buyerShow-showDetail","goods-addGoodsList","personalCenter-CDkey-exchange","giftCards-linkReceive","giftCoupon-preview","smartForm","shopCart-shareShopCart","groupBuying-beInvite","brandTopics","personalCenter-spokesmanCenter","personalCenter-spokesmanCenter-mine-spokesmanHomePage","liveBroadcast-lived","personalCenter-spokesmanCenter-mine-getBusinessCard","changeAdr","enterpriseCustomerRegistration","merchantsDetail"].map(function(e){return"/index"==(e="/"+e.replace(/-/g,"/"))?"/":e});function e(e){var n=e.homeNative,t=e.wx,i=e.getCoupon,o=e.themeMemberCardClick,a=e.themeScanningCodeClick,l=e.requireFun,e=e.extend;if(P=e,g=n,w=l,console.log(w,"-------------------------115"),d=w.createdUserJWT,w.getBcakUrl,!(C=t)||(t=C.getAccountInfoSync&&C.getAccountInfoSync())&&(T=t.miniProgram.version||999999),console.log(T,"---------------miniVersion"),console.log(g,"-------------themeToLinkInit"),console.log("toPage-------------"),u=1==g?function(e){var n=e.pagePath;1==(e=void 0===(e=e.pageType)?1:e)?this.$router.push(n):2==e?window.location.href=n:3==e&&C.navigateTo({url:n})}:2==g?function(e){var n=e.pagePath;1==(e=void 0===(e=e.pageType)?1:e)?(console.log("pagePath",n),C.navigateTo({url:n})):2==e&&C.reLaunch({url:n})}:void 0,1==g)try{r=w.Vue,s=w.shopConfig,w.shopMixid,r.prototype.$themeToLink=M,m=w.Toast,c=w.hylToLink}catch(e){}else 2==g&&((p=getApp()).$themeToLink=M,p.getCoupon=i,p.themeMemberCardClick=o,p.themeScanningCodeClick=a)}function S(e){if(!(e=e.split("?")[1]))return{};for(var n=e.split("&"),t={},i=0;i<n.length;i++){var o=n[i].indexOf("="),a=n[i].slice(0,o),o=n[i].slice(o+1);console.log(81,this),t[a]=o}return console.log(t,"-------------obj"),t}async function M(n){if(console.log(n,"$themeToLink"),console.log(P,"extend======="),console.log("data",n),0!=n.type){var e,t,i,o,a,l,r=n.type;if(r){if(P.loginIntercept&&!{console.log("走进来了");var s="/pages/login/main?back="+D(n)+"&params="+JSON.stringify(S(;return u({pagePath:s}),!1}if("dynamicForm")){if(! console.log("走进来了--dynamicForm"),s="/pages/login/main?back="+D(n)+"&params="+JSON.stringify(S(,u({pagePath:s}),!1;await d().then(function(e){"&token="+e}).catch(function(e){})}}1==g&&this.$store.getters["sceneModule/flushbonadingVisible"]?,{data:n,Vue:w.Vue,Dialog:w.Dialog,Toast:w.Toast,hyl:w.hyl,dateFilter:w.dateFilter,shopConfig:w.shopConfig}):(console.log(n.key,"----------------------key"),(2==r||2!=g||n.key&&n.key.startsWith("1.9")||"/article/")||function(e){var n=D(e),t=L(e),i=R.includes(n)||"/goods/"==n.substr(0,7)||n.includes("/brandTopics")||n.startsWith("/activty/")||n.includes("")||t.includes("noLogin=true");if(console.log(!i&&!,t,"--noLogin"),i|| o=U(n),console.log(,""),!(0<=o||"/activty/")&&"tabClick"))||(console.log("底部栏"),o=0==o?U("/"):o,n="/"==n?"/pages/home/main":"/pages/tabBar"+o+"/main",(o=getCurrentPages())[o.length-1].route!=n&&(t=t?"?"+t:"",console.log(t,"--------------247"),u({pagePath:n+t,pageType:2}),0));console.log("去登录");var o="",o=-1<t.indexOf("scene=sso")?"/pages/login/main?back="+n+"&ossLink="+encodeURIComponent(t):(console.log(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(S(,"------------------------JSON.stringify(parseQueryString("),"/pages/login/main?back="+n+"&params="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(S(;return console.log(o,"------------------------190"),u({pagePath:o}),0}(n))&&(null!=r&&"undefined"!=r?(console.log("---------跳过登录判断"),1==r?"/",1)?"/personalCenter/userInfo")?(console.log(1==$.call(this),2==g," == 1 || homeNative == 2"),1==$.call(this)||2==g?(e="/pages/userInfo/main",console.log("url",e),u({pagePath:e,pageType:2==g?1:3})),{}))"/pay/paySuccess")?(console.log(1==$.call(this),2==g," == 1 || homeNative == 2"),console.log(T,"--miniVersion"),(1==$.call(this)||2==g)&&284<T?(e="/pages/paySuccess/main?""?")[1],console.log("url",e),u({pagePath:e,pageType:2==g?2:3})),{}))"/personalCenter/vip/vipMobileCard")?(console.log(1==$.call(this),2==g," == 1 || homeNative == 2"),1==$.call(this)||2==g?(t="/pages/memberCode/main",console.log("url",t),u({pagePath:t,pageType:2==g?1:3})),{}))"/article/")&&!"/article/articleList")?(console.log("/article/")&&!"/article/articleList"),,g,""),console.log(1==$.call(this),2==g," == 1 || homeNative == 2"),1==$.call(this)||2==g?(t="/pages/pages_subpack/article/main?article_id="+("/"))[t.length-1],console.log("url",t),u({pagePath:t,pageType:2==g?1:3})),{})):1==g?,{}):2==g&&(i=I(D(n),L(n)),console.log("url",i),u({pagePath:i}))"http")||"https")?1==g?,{,pageType:2}):(i="/pages/wxArticle/main?link="+encodeURIComponent(,u({pagePath:i})):u({,pageType:2}):1.1==r?2==g?u({}):1==g&&(1==$.call(this)||2==$.call(this)?,{,pageType:3}):m("暂不支持")):1.2==r?"outerChain:businessCenter"!"/",1)?,{}):1==g?1==this.$store.state.miniProgram||2==this.$store.state.miniProgram?(o="/pages/wxArticle/main?link="+encodeURIComponent(,,{pagePath:o,pageType:3})),{,pageType:2}):2==g&&(o="/pages/wxArticle/main?link="+encodeURIComponent(,,{pagePath:o,pageType:1})):(console.log(x(),"-----getGUIDE_URL()"),a=x()+"/login?mixid="+this.$nuxt.$route.query.mixid+"&back="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href),,{pagePath:a,pageType:2})):2==r?"themeCouponClick"==(a=n.feature.type)||0==a?1==g?this.$themeCouponClick(n.feature.value.couponCode,n.feature.value):2==g&&p.getCoupon(n.feature.value.couponCode,n.feature.value):1==a?2==n.type&&1==n.feature.type&&function(e){1==g?this.$nuxt.$SHARE({itemList:e.feature.value}):2==g&&p.shareInit({itemList:e.feature.value})}.call(this,n):"themeMemberCardClick"==a||2==a?1==g?this.$themeMemberCardClick(n.feature.value):2==g&&p.themeMemberCardClick(n.feature.value):3==a&&(1==g?this.$themeScanningCodeClick():2==g&&p.themeScanningCodeClick()):3==r?(console.log(g,"-----------------homeNative"),1==g?1==$.call(this)||2==$.call(this)?(r=this.$store.getters["sceneModule/flushbonadingVisible"]?"/pages/toMini/toMini?weappPage="+encodeURIComponent("&weappAppId=""/pages/toMini/main?weappPage="+encodeURIComponent("&weappAppId=",,{pagePath:r,pageType:3})):m("暂不支持"):n.key&&n.key.startsWith("1.9")?function(e){if(console.log("sss",e),2==g)switch(e.key){case"1.9.1":console.log("begin"),C.openChannelsActivity?C.openChannelsActivity({,,success:function(){console.log("success")},fail:function(){console.log("fail"),,"提示","打开视频号失败")}}),console.log("end");break;case"1.9.2":console.log("begin"),C.openChannelsEvent?C.openChannelsEvent({,,fail:function(){,"提示","打开视频号活动失败")}}),console.log("end")}}.call(this,n):(l="/pages/toMini/main?weappPage="+encodeURIComponent("&weappAppId=",u({pagePath:l}))):0<n.length&&,{})):0<n.length&&(1==g?,{pagePath:n}):2==g&&(l=I(D(n),L(n)),u({pagePath:l})))))}else console.log("无链接--return")}function E(){C.showModal({title:0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"提示",content:1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"当前微信版本过低,无法使用该功能,请升级到最新微信版本后重试。"}),console.log("不支持")}n.themeToLinkInit=e}.call(this)}.call(this,e("_process"),"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{_process:1}]},{},[2]);
let miniApp = null; \ No newline at end of file
let toPageFun = null;
let Vue,
miniVersion = 999999;
// 登录白名单 name
const noLoginList = [
// 函数柯里化
* @pageUrl pageUrlVal:跳转链接
// 调用方法使用.call
function toPage() {
if (homeNative == 1) {
return function({ pagePath, pageType = 1 }) {
if (pageType == 1) {
} else if (pageType == 2) {
window.location.href = pagePath;
} else if (pageType == 3) {
wx.navigateTo({ url: pagePath }); // 指定页面的url
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
return function({ pagePath, pageType = 1 }) {
if (pageType == 1) {
wx.navigateTo({ url: pagePath });
} else if (pageType == 2) {
wx.reLaunch({ url: pagePath });
function toPageUrl(backPath, backParams = "") {
return `../index/main?from=themeLink&backpath=${encodeURIComponent(
function getSessionId() {
if (homeNative == 1) {
return (
this.$store && this.$store.state.sessionId && this.$store.state.sessionId
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
return wx && wx.getStorageSync("sessionid");
function getIsMini() {
return homeNative == 1 && this.$store && this.$store.state.miniProgram;
function getUserInfo() {
if (homeNative == 1) {
return this.$store && this.$store.state.userInfo;
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
return (
wx &&
wx.getStorageSync("userInfo") &&
//商家中心外链(小程序使用 /pages/wxArticle/main?link 这个方法跳转)
function getGUIDE_URL() {
if (homeNative == 1) {
return shopConfig.GUIDE_URL;
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
return config.GUIDE_URL;
// 分享
function toShare(data) {
if (homeNative == 1) {
this.$nuxt.$SHARE({ itemList: data.feature.value });
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
miniApp.shareInit({ itemList: data.feature.value });
// 获取link 中页面地址(link兼容 有object或者string)
function getUrlofLink(data) {
return"?")[0] : "";
function getUrlofQuery(data) {
let arr ="?")
let params = [];
if(index>=1) {
return params.join("?") || "";
// check 链接是否为底部导航栏页面 返回索引
function checkTabbarPage(link) {
let app = getApp();
if (!app.globalData.footerVal) return -1;
let footerVal = app.globalData.footerVal.componentData.list;
let isFooter = footerVal.findIndex(item => {
return getUrlofLink( == link.split("?")[0];
return isFooter;
const noLoginListPath = => {
item = item.replace(/-/g, "/");
item = "/" + item;
item == "/index" && (item = "/");
return item;
export function themeToLinkInit({
homeNative: shop_env,
wx: wxName,
requireFun: requireFun2,
extend : extend2
}) {
extend = extend2
homeNative = shop_env;
requireFun = requireFun2;
console.log(requireFun, "-------------------------115");
createdUserJWT = requireFun.createdUserJWT;
getBcakUrl = requireFun.getBcakUrl;
wx = wxName;
if (wx) {
// 获取小程序版本号
let accountInfo = wx.getAccountInfoSync && wx.getAccountInfoSync();
if (accountInfo) {
miniVersion = accountInfo.miniProgram.version || 999999; // 1.0.0 小程序版本号
console.log(homeNative, "-------------themeToLinkInit");
toPageFun = toPage(homeNative);
if (homeNative == 1) {
try {
Vue = requireFun.Vue;
shopConfig = requireFun.shopConfig;
shopMixid = requireFun.shopMixid;
Vue.prototype.$themeToLink = $themeToLink;
Toast = requireFun.Toast;
hylToLink = requireFun.hylToLink;
} catch (error) {}
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
miniApp = getApp();
miniApp.$themeToLink = $themeToLink;
miniApp.getCoupon = getCoupon;
miniApp.themeMemberCardClick = themeMemberCardClick;
miniApp.themeScanningCodeClick = themeScanningCodeClick;
function parseQueryString(url) {
let str = url.split("?")[1]
return {}
let items = str.split("&");
let arr, name, value;
let obj={}
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
let spliceIndex = items[i].indexOf("=");
// arr = items[i].split("="); //["key0", "0"]
name = items[i].slice(0,spliceIndex);
value = items[i].slice(spliceIndex + 1);
console.log(81, this)
return obj
function loginInterception(data) {
// 登录拦截
let parseLink = getUrlofLink(data);
let parseQuery = getUrlofQuery(data);
let noLogin =
noLoginListPath.includes(parseLink) ||
parseLink.substr(0, 7) == "/goods/" ||
parseLink.includes("/brandTopics") ||
parseLink.startsWith('/activty/') ||
parseLink.includes('') || // 道可
parseLink.includes('') || // 五粮液uat
parseLink.includes(''); // 五粮液prod
if (!noLogin && ! {
let url = ''
if(parseQuery.indexOf('scene=sso')>-1) {
url = `/pages/login/main?back=${parseLink}&ossLink=${encodeURIComponent(parseQuery)}`;
} else {
url = `/pages/login/main?back=${parseLink}&params=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(parseQueryString(}`;
toPageFun({ pagePath: url});
return false;
//判断是否市跳转到tabbar页面 替换首页位置
let isTabbarIndex = checkTabbarPage(parseLink);
* 如果是点击底部导航或者底部导航有自定义页面且点击的为底部导航设置的自定义页面有tabClick这个参数(不是页面设置的自定义页面链接没有)
* 以此来区分
console.log(, '')
if (isTabbarIndex >= 0 || (("/activty/") &&"tabClick")))) {
// 无底部栏h5页面
// if (!containFooterPage.includes(parseLink)) {
// toPage(getUrlofLink(data), getUrlofQuery(data))
// return
// }
isTabbarIndex = isTabbarIndex == 0 ? checkTabbarPage("/") : isTabbarIndex;
let url =
parseLink == "/"
? `/pages/home/main`
: `/pages/tabBar${isTabbarIndex}/main`;
let routes = getCurrentPages();
let currentPage = routes[routes.length - 1].route;
if (currentPage == url) return;
let query = parseQuery ? `?${parseQuery}` : "";
console.log(url,query,parseQuery, '--------------247')
toPageFun({ pagePath: url + query, pageType: 2 });
return false;
return true;
export async function $themeToLink(data) {
console.log(data, "$themeToLink");
if (data.type == 0) {
// 第三方嵌入系统
let type = data.type;
if (type) {
if(extend.loginIntercept && !{
let url = `/pages/login/main?back=${getUrlofLink(data)}&params=${JSON.stringify(parseQueryString(}`;
toPageFun({ pagePath: url});
return false
// if ( &&"scene=sso")) {
// //?token=${token}&scene=sso
// if (! {
// Toast("请先登录");
// return;
// }
// let { mobilephone: phoneNumber, email } =
// this,
// homeNative
// );
// = await getBcakUrl({
// toAppid: "hgFTLLhgnBmeOyCkcbyv",
// callbackUrl:,
// phoneNumber,
// email
// });
// }
if ( &&"dynamicForm")) {
if (! {
let url = `/pages/login/main?back=${getUrlofLink(data)}&params=${JSON.stringify(parseQueryString(}`;
toPageFun({ pagePath: url});
return false
} else {
await createdUserJWT().then(res => { += `&token=${res}`;
}).catch(err => {
if (homeNative == 1 && this.$store.getters["sceneModule/flushbonadingVisible"]) {, {
Vue: requireFun.Vue,
Dialog: requireFun.Dialog,
Toast: requireFun.Toast,
hyl: requireFun.hyl,
dateFilter: requireFun.dateFilter,
shopConfig: requireFun.shopConfig
if (type != 2 && homeNative == 2 && !(data.key && data.key.startsWith("1.9")) && !('/article/'))) {
let loginInterceptionVal = loginInterception(data);
if (!loginInterceptionVal) {
////向后兼容 兼容老数据
if (type == undefined || type == "undefined") {
if (data.length > 0) {
if (homeNative == 1) {, { pagePath: data });
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
let url = toPageUrl(getUrlofLink(data), getUrlofQuery(data));
toPageFun({ pagePath: url });
if (type == 1) {
if (, 1) == "/") {
// 跳转类型 targetType 0 push 1 replace
// if (data.targetType && data.targetType == 1) {
// this.$nuxt.$router.push({
// path:,
// });
// } else {
// this.$nuxt.$router.push(;
// }
// 文章页面跳转 小程序环境( == 1)都跳转到小程序页面
// web环境下(h5,webview)跳转到h5页面
if ( && ('/personalCenter/userInfo'))) {
console.log( == 1, homeNative == 2,' == 1 || homeNative == 2')
if (( == 1 || homeNative == 2)) {
let url = `/pages/userInfo/main`
toPageFun({ pagePath: url, pageType: homeNative == 2?1:3 });
} else {, { pagePath: });
} else if ( && ('/pay/paySuccess'))) {
console.log( == 1, homeNative == 2,' == 1 || homeNative == 2')
// 判断小程序版本号
if (( == 1 || homeNative == 2) && miniVersion > 284) {
let url = `/pages/paySuccess/main?${'?')[1]}`
toPageFun({ pagePath: url, pageType: homeNative == 2?2:3 });
} else {, { pagePath: });
} else if ( && ('/personalCenter/vip/vipMobileCard'))) {
console.log( == 1, homeNative == 2,' == 1 || homeNative == 2')
if ( == 1 || homeNative == 2) {
let url = `/pages/memberCode/main`
toPageFun({ pagePath: url, pageType: homeNative == 2?1:3 });
} else {, { pagePath: });
} else if ( && ('/article/') && !'/article/articleList'))) {
console.log( && ('/article/') && !'/article/articleList')),,homeNative,'')
console.log( == 1, homeNative == 2,' == 1 || homeNative == 2')
if ( == 1 || homeNative == 2) {
let idList ='/')
let id = idList[idList.length - 1]
let url = `/pages/pages_subpack/article/main?article_id=${id}`
toPageFun({ pagePath: url, pageType: homeNative == 2?1:3 });
} else {, { pagePath: });
} else if (homeNative == 1) {, { pagePath: });
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
let url = toPageUrl(getUrlofLink(data), getUrlofQuery(data));
toPageFun({ pagePath: url});
} else {
if ("http") ||"https")) {
if (homeNative == 1) {, { pagePath:, pageType: 2 });
} else {
let url =
"/pages/wxArticle/main?link=" + encodeURIComponent(;
toPageFun({ pagePath: url });
} else {
toPageFun({ pagePath:, pageType: 2 });
} else if (type == 1.1) {
//小程序页面 可能增加登录态拦截
if (homeNative == 2) {
toPageFun({ pagePath: });
} else if (homeNative == 1) {
if ( == 1 || == 2
) {, { pagePath:, pageType: 3 });
} else {
} else if (type == 1.2) {
if ( == "outerChain:businessCenter") {
// 进入商家中心外链
console.log(getGUIDE_URL(), "-----getGUIDE_URL()");
let url = `${getGUIDE_URL()}/login?mixid=${this.$nuxt.$route.query
.mixid}&back=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`;, { pagePath: url, pageType: 2 });
if (, 1) == "/") {, { pagePath: });
} else {
if (homeNative == 1) {
if (
this.$store.state.miniProgram == 1 ||
this.$store.state.miniProgram == 2
) {
let url =
"/pages/wxArticle/main?link=" + encodeURIComponent(;, { pagePath: url, pageType: 3 });
} else {, { pagePath:, pageType: 2 });
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
let url = "/pages/wxArticle/main?link=" + encodeURIComponent(;, { pagePath: url, pageType: 1 });
} else if (type == 2) {
let featureType = data.feature.type;
if (featureType == "themeCouponClick" || featureType == 0) {
if (homeNative == 1) {
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
miniApp.getCoupon(data.feature.value.couponCode, data.feature.value);
} else if (featureType == 1) {
if (data.type == 2 && data.feature.type == 1) {
//分享, data);
// if (cb) {
// cb();
// }
} else if (featureType == "themeMemberCardClick" || featureType == 2) {
if (homeNative == 1) {
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
} else if (featureType == 3) {
// 扫码
if (homeNative == 1) {
} else if (homeNative == 2) {
} else if (type == 3) {
if (homeNative == 1) {
if ( == 1 || == 2
) {
if (this.$store.getters["sceneModule/flushbonadingVisible"]) {
let url = `/pages/toMini/toMini?weappPage=${encodeURIComponent(
)}&weappAppId=${}`;, { pagePath: url, pageType: 3 });
let url2 = `/pages/toMini/main?weappPage=${encodeURIComponent(
)}&weappAppId=${}`;, { pagePath: url2, pageType: 3 });
} else {
} else {
if (data.key && data.key.startsWith("1.9")) {, data)
let url2 = `/pages/toMini/main?weappPage=${encodeURIComponent(
toPageFun({ pagePath: url2 });
} else {
if (data.length > 0) {, { pagePath: });
function openChannelsActivity(data) {
console.log('sss', data);
if (homeNative == 2) {
switch (data.key) {
// 跳转视频号
case '1.9.1':
if (wx.openChannelsActivity) {
fail: function () {
} else {
// 跳转视频号活动页
case '1.9.2':
if (wx.openChannelsEvent) {
finderUserName:, eventId:, fail: function () {,'提示','打开视频号活动失败')
} else {
// 版本号兼容提示
function wxModel(title = '提示', content = '当前微信版本过低,无法使用该功能,请升级到最新微信版本后重试。') {
title: title,
content: content
global.themeToLinkInit = themeToLinkInit;
@import "/static/css/iconfont.wxss"; @import "/static/css/iconfont.wxss";
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font-family: "ant"; font-family: "ant";
src: url('//'); src: url('//');
src: url('//') format('embedded-opentype'), src: url('//') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('//') format('truetype'), url('//') format('truetype'),
url('//') format('woff'), url('//') format('woff'),
url('//') format('svg'); url('//') format('svg');
font-weight: normal; font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal; font-style: normal;
} }
...@@ -23,1144 +22,1700 @@ ...@@ -23,1144 +22,1700 @@
line-height: 1; line-height: 1;
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.ant-banner-01:before { [class^="ant-"], [class*=" ant-"]{
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font-variant: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-decoration: none;
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line-height: 1;
.ant-anli:before {
content: "\EA01"; content: "\EA01";
} }
.ant-bianji:before { .ant-anniu:before {
content: "\EA02"; content: "\EA02";
} }
.ant-bofang:before { .ant-bangdan:before {
content: "\EA03"; content: "\EA03";
} }
.ant-cha:before { .ant-banner-01:before {
content: "\EA04"; content: "\EA04";
} }
.ant-changjianwenti-line:before { .ant-bianji:before {
content: "\EA05"; content: "\EA05";
} }
.ant-chanpinfenlei:before { .ant-bofang:before {
content: "\EA06"; content: "\EA06";
} }
.ant-chenggong:before { .ant-canting:before {
content: "\EA07"; content: "\EA07";
} }
.ant-chengweifenxiaoyuan:before { .ant-cart-empty:before {
content: "\EA08"; content: "\EA08";
} }
.ant-daifahuo:before { .ant-cha:before {
content: "\EA09"; content: "\EA09";
} }
.ant-daifukuan:before { .ant-changjianwenti-line:before {
content: "\EA0A"; content: "\EA0A";
} }
.ant-daipinglun:before { .ant-chanpinfenlei:before {
content: "\EA0B"; content: "\EA0B";
} }
.ant-daishiyong:before { .ant-chenggong:before {
content: "\EA0C"; content: "\EA0C";
} }
.ant-daishouhuo:before { .ant-chengweifenxiaoyuan:before {
content: "\EA0D"; content: "\EA0D";
} }
.ant-danchuang:before { .ant-daifahuo:before {
content: "\EA0E"; content: "\EA0E";
} }
.ant-danmu:before { .ant-daifukuan:before {
content: "\EA0F"; content: "\EA0F";
} }
.ant-daohang:before { .ant-daipinglun:before {
content: "\EA10"; content: "\EA10";
} }
.ant-dazhuanpan:before { .ant-daishenhedingdan:before {
content: "\EA11"; content: "\EA11";
} }
.ant-dianhua:before { .ant-daishiyong:before {
content: "\EA12"; content: "\EA12";
} }
.ant-dianpu:before { .ant-daishouhuo:before {
content: "\EA13"; content: "\EA13";
} }
.ant-dianzan-line:before { .ant-danchuang:before {
content: "\EA14"; content: "\EA14";
} }
.ant-dianzan:before { .ant-danmu:before {
content: "\EA15"; content: "\EA15";
} }
.ant-dingzhikaquan:before { .ant-daohang:before {
content: "\EA16"; content: "\EA16";
} }
.ant-dizhi:before { .ant-dazhuanpan:before {
content: "\EA17"; content: "\EA17";
} }
.ant-dizhiguanli-line:before { .ant-dianhua:before {
content: "\EA18"; content: "\EA18";
} }
.ant-dizhiguanli:before { .ant-dianpu-xian:before {
content: "\EA19"; content: "\EA19";
} }
.ant-fanhui-line:before { .ant-dianpu:before {
content: "\EA1A"; content: "\EA1A";
} }
.ant-fanxianjilu:before { .ant-dianzan-line:before {
content: "\EA1B"; content: "\EA1B";
} }
.ant-fanzhuanjingtou:before { .ant-dianzan:before {
content: "\EA1C"; content: "\EA1C";
} }
.ant-fengexian:before { .ant-dingzhikaquan:before {
content: "\EA1D"; content: "\EA1D";
} }
.ant-fenlei-line:before { .ant-diqudaohang:before {
content: "\EA1E"; content: "\EA1E";
} }
.ant-fenxiang-line:before { .ant-dizhi:before {
content: "\EA1F"; content: "\EA1F";
} }
.ant-fenxiang-zhibojian:before { .ant-dizhiguanli-line:before {
content: "\EA20"; content: "\EA20";
} }
.ant-fenxiaoyuan:before { .ant-dizhiguanli:before {
content: "\EA21"; content: "\EA21";
} }
.ant-fukuan:before { .ant-dizhiguanlibalack-red:before {
content: "\EA22"; content: "\EA22";
} }
.ant-fuzhujiange:before { .ant-duihuanzhongxinbalack-red:before {
content: "\EA23"; content: "\EA23";
} }
.ant-gonggao:before { .ant-erweima:before {
content: "\EA24"; content: "\EA24";
} }
.ant-gonglve:before { .ant-fanhui-line:before {
content: "\EA25"; content: "\EA25";
} }
.ant-gongnengzhida-01:before { .ant-fanxianjilu:before {
content: "\EA26"; content: "\EA26";
} }
.ant-gongnengzhida-kaoxia:before { .ant-fanzhuanjingtou:before {
content: "\EA27"; content: "\EA27";
} }
.ant-gongsidizhi:before { .ant-fengexian:before {
content: "\EA28"; content: "\EA28";
} }
.ant-goumaihuiyuanka:before { .ant-fenlei-line:before {
content: "\EA29"; content: "\EA29";
} }
.ant-goumaishangpin:before { .ant-fenxiang-line:before {
content: "\EA2A"; content: "\EA2A";
} }
.ant-gouwuche-line:before { .ant-fenxiang-zhibojian:before {
content: "\EA2B"; content: "\EA2B";
} }
.ant-gouwuche:before { .ant-fenxiang:before {
content: "\EA2C"; content: "\EA2C";
} }
.ant-haoyoulingqu:before { .ant-fenxiaoshangzhongxinbalack-red:before {
content: "\EA2D"; content: "\EA2D";
} }
.ant-home-line:before { .ant-fenxiaoyuan:before {
content: "\EA2E"; content: "\EA2E";
} }
.ant-home:before { .ant-fenxiaoyuanzhongxinbalack-red:before {
content: "\EA2F"; content: "\EA2F";
} }
.ant-hongbao:before { .ant-fukuan:before {
content: "\EA30"; content: "\EA30";
} }
.ant-huanhuo:before { .ant-fuwenben:before {
content: "\EA31"; content: "\EA31";
} }
.ant-hufushuang:before { .ant-fuzhujiange:before {
content: "\EA32"; content: "\EA32";
} }
.ant-huiyuan:before { .ant-gerenzhongxin:before {
content: "\EA33"; content: "\EA33";
} }
.ant-huiyuanlogo:before { .ant-gonggao:before {
content: "\EA34"; content: "\EA34";
} }
.ant-jiangpai1:before { .ant-gonglve:before {
content: "\EA35"; content: "\EA35";
} }
.ant-jiangpai2:before { .ant-gongnengzhida-01:before {
content: "\EA36"; content: "\EA36";
} }
.ant-jiangpai3:before { .ant-gongnengzhida-kaoxia:before {
content: "\EA37"; content: "\EA37";
} }
.ant-jifen-colorful:before { .ant-gongsidizhi:before {
content: "\EA38"; content: "\EA38";
} }
.ant-jifen:before { .ant-gongzhonghao:before {
content: "\EA39"; content: "\EA39";
} }
.ant-jifenfanbei:before { .ant-goumaihuiyuanka:before {
content: "\EA3A"; content: "\EA3A";
} }
.ant-jingxiang:before { .ant-goumaishangpin:before {
content: "\EA3B"; content: "\EA3B";
} }
.ant-kaibo:before { .ant-gouwuche-line:before {
content: "\EA3C"; content: "\EA3C";
} }
.ant-kefu-line:before { .ant-gouwuche-xian:before {
content: "\EA3D"; content: "\EA3D";
} }
.ant-kefu:before { .ant-gouwuche:before {
content: "\EA3E"; content: "\EA3E";
} }
.ant-kefudianhua:before { .ant-gouwudanmu:before {
content: "\EA3F"; content: "\EA3F";
} }
.ant-kuaidipeisong-line:before { .ant-haoyoulingqu:before {
content: "\EA40"; content: "\EA40";
} }
.ant-kuaidipeisong:before { .ant-hengxiangbiaoqian:before {
content: "\EA41"; content: "\EA41";
} }
.ant-lajitong:before { .ant-home-line:before {
content: "\EA42"; content: "\EA42";
} }
.ant-leijixiaofeidanshu:before { .ant-home:before {
content: "\EA43"; content: "\EA43";
} }
.ant-leijixiaofeijine:before { .ant-hongbao:before {
content: "\EA44"; content: "\EA44";
} }
.ant-lianjie:before { .ant-huanhuo:before {
content: "\EA45"; content: "\EA45";
} }
.ant-lianxikefu:before { .ant-hufushuang:before {
content: "\EA46"; content: "\EA46";
} }
.ant-lishizhibo:before { .ant-huiyuan:before {
content: "\EA47"; content: "\EA47";
} }
.ant-liwuduose:before { .ant-huiyuanlogo:before {
content: "\EA48"; content: "\EA48";
} }
.ant-mofangdaohang:before { .ant-huiyuanxinxikapian:before {
content: "\EA49"; content: "\EA49";
} }
.ant-paihangbang:before { .ant-jiangpai1:before {
content: "\EA4A"; content: "\EA4A";
} }
.ant-pingjiawujiaoxing:before { .ant-jiangpai2:before {
content: "\EA4B"; content: "\EA4B";
} }
.ant-pinglun:before { .ant-jiangpai3:before {
content: "\EA4C"; content: "\EA4C";
} }
.ant-pintuan:before { .ant-jiangpinbalack-red:before {
content: "\EA4D"; content: "\EA4D";
} }
.ant-quanbushangpin-line:before { .ant-jifen-colorful:before {
content: "\EA4E"; content: "\EA4E";
} }
.ant-quanbushangpin:before { .ant-jifen:before {
content: "\EA4F"; content: "\EA4F";
} }
.ant-renzhengxinxi:before { .ant-jifenfanbei:before {
content: "\EA50"; content: "\EA50";
} }
.ant-shaitu:before { .ant-jifenzhongxinbalack-red:before {
content: "\EA51"; content: "\EA51";
} }
.ant-shaixuan:before { .ant-jingxiang:before {
content: "\EA52"; content: "\EA52";
} }
.ant-shanchu:before { .ant-kaibo:before {
content: "\EA53"; content: "\EA53";
} }
.ant-shangjiazhongxin:before { .ant-kefu-line:before {
content: "\EA54"; content: "\EA54";
} }
.ant-shangpinliebiao:before { .ant-kefu-xian:before {
content: "\EA55"; content: "\EA55";
} }
.ant-shangpintuiguang:before { .ant-kefu:before {
content: "\EA56"; content: "\EA56";
} }
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} }
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